Our Pets & Livestock

We have dogs & cats...goats...chickens and rabbits. We plan on getting ducks... guineas and who knows what else. We do not plan on eatting our livestock. We have the goats for milks... the chickens for eggs and the rabbits to breed and sell. All of our animals are a joy and spoiled rotten!

Bunny our Pitbull

BooBoo and Diesel our Chihuahuas



Cinders and Drew

Diesel and Bunny

Bunny and Patches


Cinders in Food Bowl

Cinders looking out front door

Cinders and Patches

Bunny in the Sun


Patti and Lucy

Barred Rock Cockrel

Barred Rock Pullets

Salmon Favorelle Rooster

Silver Lace Wynndot Hens

Silver Lace Hens
2 Red Sexlinks

Snack Time

Barred Rock Cockrel
Main Coop
Salmon Favorelles PA and MA

My Silkies

We have silver lace wynndots, barred rocks, silkies, cochin, red sexlinks, and salmon favorelle chickens. 

Our Rabbits

The one silkie died Sat 4/16/11. The lopi rabbit died Sun 4/17/11.