Goodmorning! It is a chilly day in East TX. I am starting to form what will be my daily routine. So far this morning I took the dogs out, walked Sandman, fed Bacon, the goats, cats and chickens.... then got Johnny up... made him toast and cocoa for breakfast. Straightened the kitchen area and swept the floor. Now I am doing email, watching HGTV and having some coffee.
I stayed up late and fed the twins before I went to bed so I only had to get up once with them during the night. When they wake up, I will fed and bath them. Then mop the cabin and start laundry. When it warms up I will try to clean the other three kennels but my knee is killing me already due to all the walking I did yesterday.
The cabin is really starting to shape up. I am organizing and cleaning as I go thru all the storage stuff that was all over the place. Hopefully I will be done later this week.
I lost one of my sterling silver rings yesterday and have no idea when it fell off my finger, so I am sure it is gone for good.
I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend. I know I am LOVING the peace and quiet.
UPDATE ON PRINCESS AND MOLLY. Princess never showed up and I still can't catch Molly.
9:41 am
OMG I can't believe it isn't even 10am and I am exhausted & my knee is throbbing. The twins don't like the puppy formula and are giving me problems taking their bottle. Bacon tore his new pen apart and escaped. So instead of cleaning kennels.... I had to repair his old pen which Freddie tore apart yesterday... chase Bacon... finally tricked him by throwing food into his old kennel, and moved and filled his swimming pool.
Gave the goats fresh water, started laundry, mopped the cabin, went thru another storage box and now enjoying a coffee break.
It has really been a busy day. Michelle brought Hunter back with a small pen for him, a dog house, a big bag of dog food and some sample packs of food. I got him some treats and a big bowl for water. Her husband Todd, filled the three feeders for me. Got rid of the shoe boxes under the coffee table, cleaned off the coffee table. Put all the dirty dishes out on the porch, til I can get to them. Fed the pups again. Gave the goats hay. Put more laundry in. Made Johnny soup for lunch. Got a chicken out to cook tonight. Bev is on her way. And I am just catching up on ZooWorld and taking a break.
Bev, her sil & Alice her daughter got here about an hour ago. They are out burning trash and I am resting, watching TV. I have chicken in the crock pot and gonna make alfredo chicken pasta for dinner.
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