Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thurs 5/31/12

Gonna do dinner and karokee tonight with friends. I can't wait.

Thursday, May 31, 2012 · 7:00 PM –12:01 AM  
Kitty's Bar and Grill
5334 Lemon Ave Dallas

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wed 5/30/12

I went to a couple thrift stores today in Dallas. Got a large suitcase for $15 and 2 pairs of dress pants for $4 each and 5 books for 50 cents here and a metal hook rack for $7. Bought Taco Bell for lunch.

Monday, May 28, 2012


I hope everyone is having a safe and happy memorial day.

I met a very nice gentleman Patrick this morning at Denny's, after talking to him for hrs last night. Then we went back and hung out at Brandy and Norris's. I am very glad I stayed another day.

Baby Tolia <my friends 4 wk old granddaughter> passed on this morning at 10:25 minutes after life support had been turned off. 

To all our service men and women.... we will not forget!!!!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

TRIP TO DALLAS fri 5/25/12

Couldn't wait to leave on fri to go to Dallas. Carol and I left early Fri morning after the animals were tended, later than I wanted to leave since 2 chickens and 2 dogs got loose. And I realized that the bad food at been left were Lucy could get it and so had insulation. I can't wait til my company is gone. I can't take the stress. Got some stress relief with Norris.

I had a wonderful time at Pappa's and Karoake with Bunny and Carol.

Sat.... I had a great time at our meet and greet, then an even better time with Paul and the rest of our group. Carol spent the night with David.

Sun...had more stress relief with Norris..... found out that my pig and Freddie and Allie got out, Freddie is bloody and my pig is missing, Carol and David are gonna try to find him and fix the kennels.... met Chris and another gentleman at Denny's at 75 and spring valley. Gonna rest the remander of the evening. Staying til tomorrow or Tues.

I was very very upset today, I am surrounded by morons ...then when I needed someone today due to being upset .... I found out I wasn't that important. Kinda sad about that. But life moves on. Tomorrow will be a better day.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thurs 5/24/12

Today Marshia and I went to Court FP. I picked up a pair of shorts for me, a skirt for Marshia and a teddy for Johnny for 25cents each at the Cath thrift store. Got a mouse for the laptop, bras and panties at Walmart for me.
Came home and found Lucy dead.
Now got to put the groceries away.


My sweet goat Lucy is dead. We came home from town and the neighbor told me she was dead under the mobile home. There were no marks on her and no loose dogs. All I can think of was she got into some of the ruined food from the freezer and it poisoned her. Marshia buried her. My heart is sad. Billy kept trying to get her up by butting and biting her. Their baby CocoaPuffs is still running around crying and looking for her. Every animal that I lose takes a piece of my heart. Rest in Peace Lucy Girl.

Wed May 23rd

Cindy picked up Carol to go to Burettes.
Toilet chain broke.
Clicker on laptop started acting up.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Freezer of ruined food

Someone shut off my outside Freezer. All my food out there is ruined. I am sick over this. Not like I can afford to replace it.

Happy Birthday Julian

A friend of mine turns 51 today. I wish him all the happiness in the world.

2 yrs ago today, I made the wrong choice.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Mon 5/21/12

I let Carol, Marshia and Mark tend the dogs since I still hurt so bad.

Sun 5/20/12

Tara went home, as she couldn't take the heat camping. Carol came home. All critters tended. Damn Molly tore up one of my ducks.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Wonderful Yardsale Finds

I got a fancy quilt set for my bed for $10! I left that yardsale with clothing, elec blanket, sheets, candles, bedding, heart shelves, xmas tins, belts and more for only $35 total.
At another sale I got another fancy quilt for $1. Candles for 25 cents.  A vcr for $1 <hope it works>.
At a church sale I spent $10 and got a box full of stuff including a karokee machine, tools, angel for Johnny and more.
At another sale I got 20 movies and a crack radio/flashlight for only $8.
It was an amazing day of bargains.
Tara and I then went to the Ocean Buffet for lunch.

Sat 5/19/12

I LOVE MY LIFE. As I sit and contemplate things... I know I am blessed. I have bad days and I have worse days, but I am sooo much better off than other people.

Tara set up her campsite yesterday and is a sweetie. It is a change from some of the negative people around here. My supplies are going down with having extra people here and I don't plan on replacing anything til they are gone. I need to restart couponing again to stock up.

I am gonna go yardsaling today. See what goodies I can find.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thurs 5/17/12

Took Mark to his new job and picked up some stuff at Walmart to finish the new floggers. And got some clearance food and a staple gun.

Carol went to Dallas.

Drew and I had another online fight. GRRR

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

StacyLynn Was Adopted Tonight 5/16/12

I am happy AND sad. Little StacyLynn was adopted by a nice family with 2 other Great Pyranese Dogs.
I am happy for her but sad to see her go.

Wed 5/16/12

Took Carol and Johnny over to Access. Dr told Johnny if he doesn't behave and attacks me again...he goes straight to hospital. He did up his Zyprexia. So hopefully he will be better.

Today we will be working on catching up laundry.

StacyLynn was adopted tonight.

David came to spend the night with Carol.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tues 5/15/12

Marshia, Carol and I tried to put up the other pool yesterday...but as usual Mark wouldn't do anything. He and I got into it. I can't wait til they move out. I cleaned off alot of the entertainment stand.

This morning, Carol did the dogs herself and I worked on packing Drew's clothing and cleaning the kitchen.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mon 5/14/12

Happy Monday World!

Yesterday David came over and he and Carol put a roof on Sam's kennel. So Sam is out with Momma and Freddie is now in Davey's old kennel. Jeremy called to wish me a Happy Mothers Day.

Today Carol woke up in horrible pain from doing the kennel yesterday so I sent her back to bed this morning. Johnny gave me shit again so I told him Mark and him can do the dogs.

I am enjoying my coffee and watching Angel reruns.

Bobby, Shermie and Jeff forgot to call me but Paul called me last night to wish me happy mothers day. So that made me feel some better.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

I hope everyone has a wonderful Mothers Day. 

Yesterday David, Calvin and Eddie came over. We had bbq chicken, scalloped potatoes, corn and chips. Eddie spent the night. It was nice having company.

This morning Eddie helped Carol and I do the dogs. Marshia made breakfast of pancake balls and honey maple sausage. 

We are gonna do some laundry and take the rest of the day easy. 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sat 5/12/12

It stormed all night and Johnny slept on my couch. Mark went and bought another bag of dog food to replace the stuff ruined yesterday. Today Carol and I are cleaning to get ready for company. Matt and his boys never showed up yesterday. Why do people play games?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fri 5/11/12


Today I have appt with Dr Pyle. Mark filled the dog bowls yesterday so all that food is ruined with the storm during the night. I hate stupid people.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thurs May 10th

Went to Court FP and a yardsale today. Tomorrow I have a dr appt. Johnny was a real bugger today.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tues May 8th

I had early appt with Dr Martin so Mark and Marshia tended the dogs while Carol and I went to the dr and then lowes for cement for under the hot tub.
Went home and had Mark unload the car and then Michelle brought 2 crates and then carol and I took Dolly and David to Spindletop.
I bought three summer dresses for myself at the family dollar.
When we got home I emailed Spindletop and asked them to put Murphy and Sandman and Buddy on their waiting list.
I paid the elec and windstream today, only bill left is the suv reg.
It really stormed last night and tore down alot of the tarps over the kennels so of course Sam escaped.
Michelle brought Goldie back so Sam and Goldie are in David's old kennel til we can repair the others.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Mon 5/7/12

All critters tended. Went to Cath FP. Got some goat, chicken and dog food. Tomorrow I have an 8am dr appt and then take Dolly and David to Spindletop.

Sat May 5th 2012

The critters were all tended. Johnny went bonkers and attacked me.

I left home and went yardsaleing. Met David at the Tyler Goodwill. Got alot of good stuff including an antique door for $5 at one of the yardsales.

Then met Paul at a chinese buffet for dinner. Then we headed over to the Tyler munch. We had a wonderful evening. Paul left around 1230. Carol and I left after 1am.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday 5/4/12

I love getting woke up by my hubby yelling at me and threatening me before 3am. Guess he doesn't like getting caught up in his lies again. Now he says since I started trouble he won't be home this month.

All critters are fed and have fresh water. I wish it was tomorrow, cause I get to see Paul and my friends in tyler.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


It amazes me how STUPID some woman are to believe their CHEATING LYING SO CALLED Doms, when said "Dom" is telling his WIFE...he loves her and is moving home, and he is telling his ex sub he loves HER and is moving to Dallas!!!!! Calling his ex sub and then tells the current sub.... it is the other way around and the current sub accuses the ex sub of stalking him. And the witch is stupid enough to believe his dumb lying ass cause he tells her, he is not calling, emailing and im'ing the other 2 women.
<<<steps off soap box.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wed May 2nd 2012

My friend and I went to the Angel Food and a thrift store this morning. The thrift store had a 25 cents sale so I got a couple shirts for Johnny, 5 books, 2 pairs of pants, a shirt and dress for myself and a shirt for Marshia. Got a training collar for Sandman at tractor supply and a bag of leather lacing. Some more toy making stuff at Lowes as well as a multi tool and a LED flashlight for my bug out bag.


3 days til I see Paul and we go to dinner and the Tyler munch!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tues 5/1/12

My gf moved in yesterday morning. She went to my new dr's appt with me. My weight was down to 326lbs from 331lbs. Now it could be due to a different scale but I hope not. I picked up some deals at the dollar tree and the thrift store including a brand new hand crank camping washing machine for $10!!!, a nice pair of clogs for my gf for $3, 2 shirts AND a leather skirt <to make a flogger> for $1 each and a couple things for Paul. GRINS

 Today I will take Marshia to town to get her money and I have some shopping to due. The critters are all fed and we will clean cages and change their waters when we get home.