Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Johnny and I tended the critters. We moved some more wood. Ron the repair guy came and said the dryer will cost more to fix then it is worth. So there went $45 down the drain. I am making meat balls sandwiches for lunch. I got Johnny a spiderman bag and asst goodies for halloween. We are watching a zombie movie and tonight we are going to a pumpkin party at a local church.

The church party was fun. Their was picture taking, face painting, potluck dinner, bingo and trick or trunking. Johnny won a scoobydo coloring book.

Tues Oct 30th 2012

Yesterday I cleaned all cages and put fresh hay in the boxes. Cindy got out of the car while I was unloading and damn if I can find her. I am worried sick. I caught Cinders, Sandy and Patches and brought them in last night due to how cold it is outside. I double fed the dogs last night, so I don't have to feed them today. I want to buy feeders so it doesn't kill me everyday tending them.

This morning Lacy is sicker, water diarea and throwing up. I gave her some special food and meds.

I have Mindy inside also due to how cold it is outside. I still need to catch Molly and FatCat. I need to buy or borrow a trap.

Not sure what I am gonna do today. Maybe start moving some wood piles.

I found Cindy dead outside which kills me.

Went to town. Got a bag of bread and tasty cakes. Picked up a few things at the dollar tree. Filled up on gas. I estimate I am getting 350 miles to a tank. Picked up a heater at the Family dollar. Found a guy that will deliver a roll of hay for $50.

I piled some wood when I got back from town. Johnny fed the chickens and the goats have a bale of hay.

Have the dryer repair guy coming tomorrow.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Oct 26th 2012 weekend

It was wonderful seeing my friends. But all the stress with hotel issues and venue issues over the weekend, I am really glad to be home. Plus I was worried about my critters. We did raise over $500 for the rescue which is AWESOME. I picked up Mindy and Cindy from the vet today. Took Hope the new pup and Katie to the vet, got more meds for Mindy, the kittens and Hope. The vet bill was about $326. So it was very nice being able to pay it. I got 2 bales of hay and cleaned all the kennels. At dark I am gonna let the dogs out for a pee and bring in the kittens. Cindy ran off when we got home so I hope she comes to the door so a coyote don't get her. I will be heading to bed real soon.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

10/24/12 ALL READY TO GO

Johnny and I went to Court Dr FP. Got $1 breakfast at McD's. Filled up the car with gas at Murphys. Got dye for the dress, black nail polish, dog/cat food and a few other things at Walmart. Stopped at dollar tree for a few things for dallas trip. Grabbed JinB tacos' on the way home for lunch.

Got home... started more laundry, dyed my hair, dyed my dress, naired my legs, packed my clothes. YEP I am ALLLL READY to go!

I can't wait til tomorrow morning.

SAD NOTE: Lindsey passed away at the vet's office around noon today. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mon Oct 22nd 2012

Took Johnny to the dr's for his knee and he got a cortizone shot. The sick kitten Lindsey is holding on, but I am afraid she is getting dehydrated. I have started forcing liquids on her. I hope I can pull her thru.

Shermie turned 30 Sun Oct 21st 2012

Hard to believe my 2nd son turned 30 yesterday. I remember wanting to turn 18 and then 21and so on. But now that I am 50 it seems the yrs have flown by. I wasn't a very good mom. My mom worked and really didn't like kids, so I lived back and forth between her and my grandparents. And I realize now that I missed alot with my kids. Folks don't waste time. Cause it is gone in the blink of an eye.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fri Oct 19th 2012

Goodmorning Everyone. It's a beautiful COLD day in the neighborhood! I made pancake balls for breakfast.  Tim tended the critters. Allie escaped on him, but of course she came right to the cabin to get in.

I started packing the car yesterday for my trip to dallas next friday and OMG I can't wait.

Merry and her friend are leaving today.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thurs Oct 18th

I showed Tim how to tend the critters this morning. Then we went to Denny's for breakfast and stopped at 3 thrift stores. I picked up some more Halloween decorations. Came home and took down dry laundry and scrubbed the bathroom as SweetMerry and her guest are coming in today to camp.

It is a beautiful Fall day... not too hot and not too cold. Just perfect.

We burned most of the log that fell at Johnny's cabin awhile back.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wed Oct 17th 2012

Tended all the critters. Have 6 of the kittens back inside. TeenyTiny is still in with Mindy the momma cat. Did some laundry. Cleaned the counter and stove. Made hushpuppys from stratch. Put in application with the Palestine Shelter to try and get critter food. Tim arrived around 830pm. Just watched some zombie movies today.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mon Oct 15th 2012

It is a brisk fall day. Johnny and I have tended all the critters. He is picking up some trash outside and I started the laundry. Now I am enjoying my quiet coffee time and checking emails.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sun Oct 14th 2012

The kittens still have diarea, so I rewormed them and put them out in the rabbit hutch with their momma. Took David to Frankston to meet his mom. Then went to Amie's house to watch the Walking Dead Season Premiere. Dang, I can't wait for the next episode.

Fri Oct 12th

David and I went to the Pink house and worked on that for a few hrs. It is nice having company.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thurs Oct 11th 2012

What a day, had a flat... had to have Robert come air up the tire. Tired to get tire fixed and found out it was the wheel and not the tire. After a run around, wound up buying a rim and tire from Bill at AAA auto sales for $20. Had SUV towed to Bobby's. Went and picked up David in Tyler. We stopped in to visit Burette. Now home resting. Tomorrow going to Pink house to work on it for a while.

My son Mike and grandson Cameron

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wed Oct 10th 2012

Scott and David stopped by to see about helping me out around here. I really don't have room for 2 guys.

I cleaned the kennels this evening and the water buckets. Put CocoaPuffs and Billy back in their kennel.
Did some laundry, but mostly relaxed.

Tomorrow I am gonna have my suv towed to Bobby's place and then gonna go get my David in Tyler, he is gonna come help me around here til Tues. It will be nice to have company. We are gonna stop in and visit Burette before we come home.

Fri I will probably go to the pink house to do some work. Glad my honda is a 4 cylinder and doesn't use much gas.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tues Oct 9th 2012

Mike at AAA auto got my heat and lighter fixed on the honda today. I have to take it back so he can work on the windows and AC. 

Got some clearance grocerys and some of Johnny and my meds at Krogers today. 

Did one load of laundry. 

Still trying to find someone to stay with me. Got to get over to where the SUV is to have it towed out to Bobby's place. Got to get to both locations where we were tearing down houses. Sooooo much to do and soooo little money to do it all with. 

Things are some better with one less dog. I am glad Michele took David back yesterday. 

The worm med's didn't seem to help. The kittens still have diarea. It is pretty gross. They sit on you and the diarea comes out of their little hineys. Poor babys. I have to find the pepto tomorrow. And have to get some dishes and laundry done. Both are piled sky high. Got to scrub the cabin again too. Between the kittens and the puppys. UGHHH 

Thurs have the Court FP, lead the garage with the SUV to Bobby's, then go back to AAA garage with my honda. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sun Oct 7th 2012

Sept wasn't a good month and Oct is proving to be worse.

Bought the 97 honda accord on Mon the 1st and it has been a nightmare ever since. Front windows don't work, AC works so so <wired with stereo wire which can cause fire>, lighter don't work<so no way to charge cell>, horn don't work, heat don't work, no radio, still not inspected from what I know. And then the POS strands me in Jacksonville @ McD's. Had to buy tow strap <$30> and give Bobby and Sharon $40 for diesel to tow the sucker back to AAA auto where I bought it and take me home. Hopefully Bill has everything done by tomorrow when I go check on it.

Yesterday I went to get meat out of the freezer and it was all bad. The freezer had broken. Dryer still broke. Cell is off til I can get the car back.

I still need a computer.

David decided to cage fight with Sam and Hunter so I had to switch him and Murphy. I can't do these large dog aggressive animals with my health. So I told Michele and Marie that Michele has to come get David.

I am worn out. Hopefully things will get better.

Sept Posts

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fri 9/28/12
Yesterday Alice took me to see the 97 Honda Accord I am buying. We moved the momma cat outside. Alice moved out and took Sandman and her 5 critters with her. The cabin is nice and peaceful again. I can't wait to get a computer and I am looking forward to getting my car on money.
Today Helen came and got the 2 rat terrier pups.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mon 9/10/12 Jake went to town for a drill and hay. Alice and Johnny are doing the animals. When he gets back we will work on Johnny's cabin and my shelves.
Sun 9/09/12 Jake came over, brought dog and cat food and some groceries. He tried to build me a shelf but without the right tools and know how it didn't go so good. We will try again tomorrow.  My son Mike is in the hospital due to his colon. They are doing tests tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sat Alice and Johnny tended the critters. Not much to say today. No 2 yr olds to cause drama.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fri 9/07/12
Alice and I put down the floor boards for Johnny's cabin and it took most of the day. We also helped Troy work on the walls. The floor is done and the walls are almost done. Mon we will finish the walls and start the ceiling. Once that is done I will be building shelves and his storage bed base. The stain, sealer and trim will have to wait til I have a vehicle or til Oct. My legs are killing me from all the work we did. I do one thing and sit, do another and sit. LOL... you get the picture. I will post pics tomorrow. Cause I didn't know I had to save them in my phone and they were gone when I tried to send them to myself. I love my new camera phone.
I called Bob and David called me... so both know about my SUV and the fact I can't get the rest of the wood right now. 


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Thurs 9/06/12
What a day. Threw Bobby and Jenn out, so they called the cops and animal control on me. Of course the animals kennels were great.  Got done dealing with that and then Alice and I cleaned out Johnny's cabin. God those kids were pigs. What a mess they left. Troy, Alice and I started putting up the paneling I bought on Mon in Johnny's cabin. It is gonna look really nice when it is done. Alice is making chicken on the grill and mashed potatoes and corn for dinner.  Got Windstream account out of Drew's name by starting a new account.  Trinity Valley changed the meters on our road. Troy started working on Johnny's cabin walls with mine and Alice's help.

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Wed 9/05/12
GRRR the heads are apparently cracked on the SUV. Bill took Jenn, Alicia and I to Angel Food and Cath FP. Dropped me at Marshia's to get my SUV... took it to Randy's. Got a ride to Walmart, had to buy a new phone as i was stranded in town.  Got some groceries and Bill came back and got me after he took the girls home.  Bobby, Jenn, Alice and I are working on the decking for their cabin.

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Tues It is 730 am and I am enjoying the kittens and having some hot tea. I am waiting to see if the kids are gonna get up and tend the dogs and get started on the cabin or not this morning. If not they will be sleeping in a tent, cause Johnny is getting his cabin back this week. David and Ang moved out around 130pm. Alice moved in with 4 dogs and 3 cats. ugh. 
Oh well what is a few more critters around here? Had to move Mindy and the 9 kittens up into Johnny's cabin with Bobby and Jenn.  Alice is making spaghetti for dinner. 

Labor Day Weekend

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Mon 9/03/12 Everyone packed up and headed home right after Larry arrived.
Larry took me to lunch at Cotton Patch and bought materials for the kids cabin.
I got into a fight with the kids cause they didn't spray their decking so we could get started on their cabin tomorrow. Larry went and picked up Johnny for me.  Larry left during the night as he had to be in another part of TX tomorrow. 


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Sunday 9/02/12 Stan and Bobby worked on the hottub frame and it looks good. Lots of pool fun going on. 

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Sat 9/01/12 Finishing up getting the place ready for company. David and Ang went to take marshia to store and the suv overheated. Damn I need a water pump.  Dwayne, Jen and Bobby went to get the kids and take Marshia. My car is sitting at Randy's garage til tues. The waterpump is only $57.99 but the labor is what worries me. Of course now there is a fight about taking Marshia to the store and gas money. UGHH and there is food to get done for the campout. Scruffy disappeared.
Merry, Stan, Squirrel & Kitty joined us for the weekend. What a blast.  A lady from grapeland brought yardsale stuff over for us.
I am sad to say we found Scruffy hit on the highway. 


8/26-8/31 2012

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Fri 8/31/12 Took Mark, Marshia and Jenna to do their shopping. I went to a yardsale and got 3 trailer jacks for $25, a gas heater for $10, mats for $1 each, a new coffee pot for $2 for the kids cabin when it is done, 7 windows for $11.50,  a pan for $1, jeans for Johnny for $1, jeans for Jeremy for $2, a free fan cause it doesn't work, a vent for .25, flood light fixture for .50, can't remember what else.  What to another sale and got 4 games for $3, 2 halloween baskets for $2, 2 stuffies for $1, a tea set for $1, 3 books for .75, and some dog toys. I LOVE YARDSALES. Went to family dollar and got a bunch of clearance clothing for $2 each. Got 2 parts to fix the pool. Did a bit of shopping at the dollar tree.

The kids got the hot tub frame filled in. Jen did the dishes and the cabin floor. Dwayne came over and brought food for the cookout. It seems most of the kids are sick. They claim to be taking David and Jen to hospital in Dwayne's car. But who knows, maybe they just wanted to go out for the night. And there is LOTS to be done here for the weekend yet. We will all be getting up bright and early tomorrow before folks start showing up.

Started chatting with this cute guy named Brian from CM. Then we talked on the phone for 126 min. We seem to have alot in common and did I mention he is CUTE?

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Thurs 8/30/12 Took Johnny to his dr appt. He needs to see an ortho dr for his knee and a neurologist for the seizures. Paid the mortgage and the property taxes.  Some of the compound got cleaned up. Bought a few groceries. 

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Wed 8/29/12Took Marshia to the hospital for her kidney surgery. Came home and Troy, the kids and I busted ass on the yard. Also got the pool area cleaned, leveled and the pool is now filling. The boys cooked turkey burgers on the grill. YUCK...they were nasty. It really sucks that my camera is missing. 

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Tues Bobby, Jenn and I finished up the back porch on the NewSummerfield house. Went to meet Bobby's PO in Easton. Then Marshia asked me to pick up Jenna and her daughter Jamie from Quitman. If I had known how far it was I would NEVER have gone. 3 hrs there and 3 hrs back. I almost ran out of gas, if not for Marie paypaling me some money I would have been in deep do do. We didn't get home til 1030pm. I am EXHAUSTED!

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Mon David, Ang and I went and worked on the pink house. Came home and did some work in the yard with Troy on the trees and weeds. I can't find my camera. Think I lost it at the pink house. URGGG!!!

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SUN 8/26/12 Got in around 4am. Johnny woke me up at 930 as the dogs were crying to be feed. Got the kids up and had a "COME TO GOD MEETING".  As usual after the long drive to Dallas and back, I can barely move. But Troy wanted to do more clean up and take down some dead trees. I did what I was able and the kids helped. Jenn and I are both feeling pretty icky. Bobby and Troy dug a new burn pit. Here are some pics. 
The Deck being weighted
Troy and Bobby 
Dead trees down
Doors all moved 
Trees down next to Johnny's cabin
Weeds pulled in front of Johnny's Cabin
Johnny with "his" car 
All wood and doors moved from behind Johnny's cabin 
thinning out all the dead trees
Looking good! 
David working on new burn pit 
Lots of dead trees down
Bobby working on burn pit 