fri 9/28/12
Yesterday Alice took me to see the 97 Honda Accord I am buying. We moved the momma cat outside. Alice moved out and took Sandman and her 5 critters with her. The cabin is nice and peaceful again. I can't wait to get a computer and I am looking forward to getting my car on money.
Today Helen came and got the 2 rat terrier pups.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mon 9/10/12 Jake went to town for a drill and hay. Alice and Johnny are doing the animals. When he gets back we will work on Johnny's cabin and my shelves.
Sun 9/09/12 Jake came over, brought dog and cat food and some groceries. He tried to build me a shelf but without the right tools and know how it didn't go so good. We will try again tomorrow. My son Mike is in the hospital due to his colon. They are doing tests tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sat Alice and Johnny tended the critters. Not much to say today. No 2 yr olds to cause drama.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fri 9/07/12
Alice and I put down the floor boards for Johnny's cabin and it took most of the day. We also helped Troy work on the walls. The floor is done and the walls are almost done. Mon we will finish the walls and start the ceiling. Once that is done I will be building shelves and his storage bed base. The stain, sealer and trim will have to wait til I have a vehicle or til Oct. My legs are killing me from all the work we did. I do one thing and sit, do another and sit. LOL... you get the picture. I will post pics tomorrow. Cause I didn't know I had to save them in my phone and they were gone when I tried to send them to myself. I love my new camera phone.
I called Bob and David called me... so both know about my SUV and the fact I can't get the rest of the wood right now.
Thurs 9/06/12
What a day. Threw Bobby and Jenn out, so they called the cops and animal control on me. Of course the animals kennels were great. Got done dealing with that and then Alice and I cleaned out Johnny's cabin. God those kids were pigs. What a mess they left. Troy, Alice and I started putting up the paneling I bought on Mon in Johnny's cabin. It is gonna look really nice when it is done. Alice is making chicken on the grill and mashed potatoes and corn for dinner. Got Windstream account out of Drew's name by starting a new account. Trinity Valley changed the meters on our road. Troy started working on Johnny's cabin walls with mine and Alice's help.
Wed 9/05/12
GRRR the heads are apparently cracked on the SUV. Bill took Jenn, Alicia and I to Angel Food and Cath FP. Dropped me at Marshia's to get my SUV... took it to Randy's. Got a ride to Walmart, had to buy a new phone as i was stranded in town. Got some groceries and Bill came back and got me after he took the girls home. Bobby, Jenn, Alice and I are working on the decking for their cabin.
Tues It is 730 am and I am enjoying the kittens and having some hot tea. I am waiting to see if the kids are gonna get up and tend the dogs and get started on the cabin or not this morning. If not they will be sleeping in a tent, cause Johnny is getting his cabin back this week. David and Ang moved out around 130pm. Alice moved in with 4 dogs and 3 cats. ugh.
Oh well what is a few more critters around here? Had to move Mindy and the 9 kittens up into Johnny's cabin with Bobby and Jenn. Alice is making spaghetti for dinner.
Yesterday Alice took me to see the 97 Honda Accord I am buying. We moved the momma cat outside. Alice moved out and took Sandman and her 5 critters with her. The cabin is nice and peaceful again. I can't wait to get a computer and I am looking forward to getting my car on money.
Today Helen came and got the 2 rat terrier pups.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mon 9/10/12 Jake went to town for a drill and hay. Alice and Johnny are doing the animals. When he gets back we will work on Johnny's cabin and my shelves.
Sun 9/09/12 Jake came over, brought dog and cat food and some groceries. He tried to build me a shelf but without the right tools and know how it didn't go so good. We will try again tomorrow. My son Mike is in the hospital due to his colon. They are doing tests tomorrow.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sat Alice and Johnny tended the critters. Not much to say today. No 2 yr olds to cause drama.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Fri 9/07/12
Alice and I put down the floor boards for Johnny's cabin and it took most of the day. We also helped Troy work on the walls. The floor is done and the walls are almost done. Mon we will finish the walls and start the ceiling. Once that is done I will be building shelves and his storage bed base. The stain, sealer and trim will have to wait til I have a vehicle or til Oct. My legs are killing me from all the work we did. I do one thing and sit, do another and sit. LOL... you get the picture. I will post pics tomorrow. Cause I didn't know I had to save them in my phone and they were gone when I tried to send them to myself. I love my new camera phone.
I called Bob and David called me... so both know about my SUV and the fact I can't get the rest of the wood right now.
What a day. Threw Bobby and Jenn out, so they called the cops and animal control on me. Of course the animals kennels were great. Got done dealing with that and then Alice and I cleaned out Johnny's cabin. God those kids were pigs. What a mess they left. Troy, Alice and I started putting up the paneling I bought on Mon in Johnny's cabin. It is gonna look really nice when it is done. Alice is making chicken on the grill and mashed potatoes and corn for dinner. Got Windstream account out of Drew's name by starting a new account. Trinity Valley changed the meters on our road. Troy started working on Johnny's cabin walls with mine and Alice's help.
GRRR the heads are apparently cracked on the SUV. Bill took Jenn, Alicia and I to Angel Food and Cath FP. Dropped me at Marshia's to get my SUV... took it to Randy's. Got a ride to Walmart, had to buy a new phone as i was stranded in town. Got some groceries and Bill came back and got me after he took the girls home. Bobby, Jenn, Alice and I are working on the decking for their cabin.
Oh well what is a few more critters around here? Had to move Mindy and the 9 kittens up into Johnny's cabin with Bobby and Jenn. Alice is making spaghetti for dinner.
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