8/26-8/31 2012

Fri 8/31/12 Took Mark, Marshia and Jenna to do their shopping. I went to a yardsale and got 3 trailer jacks for $25, a gas heater for $10, mats for $1 each, a new coffee pot for $2 for the kids cabin when it is done, 7 windows for $11.50, a pan for $1, jeans for Johnny for $1, jeans for Jeremy for $2, a free fan cause it doesn't work, a vent for .25, flood light fixture for .50, can't remember what else. What to another sale and got 4 games for $3, 2 halloween baskets for $2, 2 stuffies for $1, a tea set for $1, 3 books for .75, and some dog toys. I LOVE YARDSALES. Went to family dollar and got a bunch of clearance clothing for $2 each. Got 2 parts to fix the pool. Did a bit of shopping at the dollar tree.
The kids got the hot tub frame filled in. Jen did the dishes and the cabin floor. Dwayne came over and brought food for the cookout. It seems most of the kids are sick. They claim to be taking David and Jen to hospital in Dwayne's car. But who knows, maybe they just wanted to go out for the night. And there is LOTS to be done here for the weekend yet. We will all be getting up bright and early tomorrow before folks start showing up.
Started chatting with this cute guy named Brian from CM. Then we talked on the phone for 126 min. We seem to have alot in common and did I mention he is CUTE?

Thurs 8/30/12 Took Johnny to his dr appt. He needs to see an ortho dr for his knee and a neurologist for the seizures. Paid the mortgage and the property taxes. Some of the compound got cleaned up. Bought a few groceries.

Wed 8/29/12Took Marshia to the hospital for her kidney surgery. Came home and Troy, the kids and I busted ass on the yard. Also got the pool area cleaned, leveled and the pool is now filling. The boys cooked turkey burgers on the grill. YUCK...they were nasty. It really sucks that my camera is missing.

Tues Bobby, Jenn and I finished up the back porch on the NewSummerfield house. Went to meet Bobby's PO in Easton. Then Marshia asked me to pick up Jenna and her daughter Jamie from Quitman. If I had known how far it was I would NEVER have gone. 3 hrs there and 3 hrs back. I almost ran out of gas, if not for Marie paypaling me some money I would have been in deep do do. We didn't get home til 1030pm. I am EXHAUSTED!

Mon David, Ang and I went and worked on the pink house. Came home and did some work in the yard with Troy on the trees and weeds. I can't find my camera. Think I lost it at the pink house. URGGG!!!

SUN 8/26/12 Got in around 4am. Johnny woke me up at 930 as the dogs were crying to be feed. Got the kids up and had a "COME TO GOD MEETING". As usual after the long drive to Dallas and back, I can barely move. But Troy wanted to do more clean up and take down some dead trees. I did what I was able and the kids helped. Jenn and I are both feeling pretty icky. Bobby and Troy dug a new burn pit. Here are some pics. 

The Deck being weighted
Troy and Bobby 
Dead trees down
Doors all moved 

Trees down next to Johnny's cabin

Weeds pulled in front of Johnny's Cabin
Johnny with "his" car 

All wood and doors moved from behind Johnny's cabin 
thinning out all the dead trees
Looking good! 

David working on new burn pit 

Lots of dead trees down
Bobby working on burn pit 

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