Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Great Weekend

Samantha, Bev, Steve and I went yardsaling on Sat. And then to Burette and Karen's for a Xmas party in Tyler. It was great seeing so many of my friends. We stayed over and then went to Canton's trade days on Sunday. Unfortunately it rained all day. We got home and I took Drew to the ER. Yesterday Drew and I went to town to finish up our shopping. Then I wound up at the ER in Palestine for pain and Drew had to leave to get Sam as she was having an asthma attack and Steve and Troy couldn't get their cars out due to the mud from the days of rain. Today we have the electrician Jimmy coming to start wiring the mobile home. I am REALLY excited! And Sam has to get her labs done.
Some of the yardsales deals I got was...
a small xmas tree for $3
2 heavy milk crates for $3
2 light plastic crates for $1
box of books for $5
2 jean jackets for Drew for $2
jacket for Steve for .50
pj bottoms for Johnny for .25
thin drawer for next to toilet for $2
black dress shirt for Drew for $2
brown dress shirt for Steve for $2
closet doors for $5

The only things I bought at Canton was a knife for $15 for Drew for Xmas and an outhouse sign for $17. I was not impressed and felt it was a bunch of expensive chinese garbage for sell there. Maybe if it had not been raining and the yardsale dealers would have been set up I would have enjoyed it more.

Not sure the rain is over yet. It is COLD and yucky outside.

Have a fantastic day everyone and stay WARM!

UPDATE: The electrician got tied up on a job and couldn't make it. 

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