Sunday, October 7, 2012


Twisted Tree Divider Purple Clip Art
Fri 8/24/12
Picked up Marshia and then Mark, took him to get his check cashed, pay bills and for smokes. Dropped him back to work. Took Marshia to 3 food stores, David...Marsh and I went dumpster diving behind Lowes <with permission>. Scored some peg board, pallets, plywood, hinges and a huge metal sign.
Bobby and Ang did the critters and reenforced the rabbit hutch for the momma cat and the kittens and moved them out to their. 
David and I rescued an injured male dog on 79 in town.  Bobby and Jenn did some laundry. Jenn and I made Fried Onion/Steak rice for supper.
I got Johnny a tent at a yardsale for $10. The kids are helping him put his bed and some stuff in it and to decorate outside it. All of us worked on picking up tools/hardware and putting them in the mobile home. It was a productive day!

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